Perkins County Community Foundation Fund

Donate to this fund


Vibrant communities
and a high quality of life in
Perkins County, Nebraska


Inspiring opportunities to enrich community values through sharing financial and human resources.


Collaborative: We bring people together to build partnerships and reinforce the power of giving in the county.

Beneficial: We encourage sharing of time, talent and financial resources and seek to use them as best as possible.

Caring: We are thoughtful in what we do and are willing to energize change for the good of our county. We care enough to act!

Grant Application



  • Unrestricted Endowment

    A permanent account whose assets are invested to generate an ongoing source of income year after year. Investment earnings from the endowment are used to support community improvements and programs. The Fund Advisory Committee determines how the money generated from the endowment will be used to benefit the community now and in the future.

  • General

    An account used by the local Fund Advisory Committee to support and maintain the affiliated fund’s activities within the community.

  • Elsie Playground

    To raise funds for playground equipment and improvements to Elsie Park owned by the Village of Elsie, NE.

  • Perkins County Q125 Account

    To raise awareness of the Perkins County Community Foundation Fund with existing and potential donors by promoting and supporting charitable activities in and around the Perkins County Q125 Celebration which will be celebrated throughout 2012. Any money remaining in the account at the end of the Q125 Celebration will go into the Perkins County Community Fund Unrestricted Endowment Account.

Fund Details

  • Opened: January 2004
  • Related Towns: Elsie, Grant, Madrid, Venango
  • Related Counties: Perkins

Contact Info