Hometown Intern – Cameryn Brandt

Name: Cameryn Brandt
Hometown: Friend
Affiliated Fund: Friend Area Fund
School: University of Nebraska-Lincoln

What do you love about your community? What are some of its greatest assets?
I love that my community is so open and welcoming. So many people that I talk to say how Friend is a town that bends over backwards for you and your neighbor when you need it. Everyone is so polite, and they all work together to make our town a better place. The list of greatest assets in our town is way too long because everything here contributes to our town’s success, but definitely our main street.

What made you want to pursue an NCF Hometown Internship?
I was very interested in doing this NCF Hometown Internship because I really wanted to work with people around the town and in the community. I also wanted to help make a difference and know more about my town.

What projects are you working on this summer?
Since I’m the city of Friend’s first hometown intern, I’m doing a few small tasks around town to get the program going. Hopefully, this gets something going and paves the way for future hometown interns. I will work with our city council, library, and cemetery, along with other small businesses.

What do you hope to learn or experience?
I hope to learn a lot of deep history about Friend and the current issues in our town. I also want to experience what it feels like to contribute something big and meaningful to our town and see how it affects others in the community.

How would you describe the opportunity so far?
The opportunity of this internship has been eye-opening and inspiring so far. From our intern retreat in Ord to coming back to Friend and jumping into work, I’m looking forward to everything I can help accomplish this summer.

What are your hopes and dreams for the future of your hometown?
I really want our town to help restore and renovate our historical buildings for visitor attractions. We have so much history to offer and it’s something everyone needs to experience. I also hope our town continues to plan out big celebrations that attract future Friend locals.

What are you looking for in a place to call home?
Everything that Friend, Nebraska has to offer in a town is what I want in a place to call home (Hopefully one day it will be Friend!). A place that is welcoming, supportive, growing with people, and always looking for ways to improve the town.

Could you see yourself living in Greater Nebraska in the future?
Absolutely 110%! There is no place I would rather live. If I don’t end up in Friend, I want to be in a rural town somewhere.

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