Providing for the people and places we love

Sally and Dennis Hansen’s Red Cloud roots trace back generations starting with Dennis’ great grandmother who homesteaded in Webster County—an act that was practically inconceivable for a woman at the time. Red Cloud has always had an important presence in their lives. They met there as children, attended school together, dated, graduated, and ultimately left to pursue college educations and careers.

But the call to return home was strong, especially as a young married couple dreaming about starting a family and the type of childhood they wanted for their kids. They returned to their hometown to raise two boys—Matthew and Cole.

Their sons were among the first people they spoke to about their plans to leave a legacy gift for the future of Red Cloud via the local early childhood education facility. They didn’t see it as a choice between family and community, but rather an opportunity to provide for both the people and place they care about most. Matthew and Cole were wholly supportive; The Valley Child Development Center, which has an account within the Red Cloud Foundation Fund, was deeply appreciative.

After speaking with Nebraska Community Foundation, the Hansens learned that the life insurance policy they intended to leave to The Valley Child Development Center was a less tax-burdensome asset to leave to their children. They decided instead to list the Red Cloud Foundation Fund (for the benefit of The Valley Child Development Center) as a beneficiary of their retirement plan—an inheritance that they learned would have serious income tax implications for Matthew and Cole.

Sally and Dennis have been integral in getting the nationally celebrated early childhood development center planned, built, and ultimately opened in 2018. It has been a life-changing community amenity to the children who learn there and the families that depend on the high quality, consistent, and affordable care.

“It’s always important to invest in that new generation,” said Sally. “We’ve invested in Red Cloud for the long term and for the rest of our lives. We chose to live here, and by doing so, we want to put back in what we’ve gotten from this community.”

“We want to make it a great place to live not just two to three years from now, but forever,” said Dennis.

If you are interested in learning about tax-wise ways to give to both your family and your community, contact Jim Gustafson at 402.323.7330 or

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