Butler County Area Foundation Fund

Donate to this fund

The Butler County Area Foundation Fund’s mission is to enhance the quality of life for all people in the Butler County Area through the use of contributed funds entrusted to its stewardship.

The Butler County Area Foundation Fund awards grants in support of public and private services. The purpose of these grants is to provide funding for community projects that will enhance the long-term success and quality of life of the community.

The Fund seeks applications that address strategic community development efforts which lead to population growth, job creation, wealth creation and retention, and increased leadership capacity. These efforts may include support for local entrepreneurs who are starting, growing or transitioning businesses; strategies to involve youth and attract young families; programs to develop and strengthen local leadership; building community capacity including workforce development, and educational efforts to create an awareness of the need for additional contributions to the Butler County Area Foundation Fund.



BCAFF’s grant application period opens September 1. All applications are due by October 15, 2024.



BCAFF Scholarships

The Butler County Area Foundation Fund is offering three scholarships to graduating seniors who meet individual scholarship criteria. These scholarships are the Butler County Clinic Scholarship (medical field major); Charles O. & Grace M. Stoops Scholarship in Agricultural or Environmental Studies; and Butler County Area Foundation Fund Scholarship. Applications will be accepted from March 1–15, 2024.



BCAFF Skilled Trade Scholarship

The Skilled Trade Scholarship is available to graduating seniors who are residents of Butler County. This $1,000 scholarship is to support a student who wishes to enroll in a 1–2 year technical program to pursue a career field that requires a technical/trade school degree. This scholarship is not intended to be awarded to a student who is attending a 2-year community college to complete their general education classes. Applications will be accepted from March 1–15, 2024.



  • “Looking Forward, Giving Back” Unrestricted Endowment

    A permanent account whose assets are invested to generate an ongoing source of income year after year. Investment earnings from the endowment are used to support community improvements and programs. The Fund Advisory Committee determines how the money generated from the endowment will be used to benefit the community now and in the future.

  • Rising City Community Library Project

    The purpose of this account is to help raise funds to support the construction of a new Rising City Community Library building.

  • Surprise Community Hall

    The purpose of this account is for the benefit and support of the Surprise Community Hall located in Surprise, NE.

Fund Details

  • Opened: June 1998
  • Related Towns: Abie, Bellwood, Brainard, Bruno, David City, Dwight, Garrison, Linwood, Octavia, Rising City, Surprise, Ulysses
  • Related Counties: Butler

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