At Home in Greater Nebraska – Gavin Harsh

What is the best thing about living in your community?

The best aspect of living in my community is the connection we have with one another. It’s great to see people wanting to build this this community and give back to one another. We all have different roles and skill sets, but as a whole, the community is much stronger. In a rural area, you have the ability to create the atmosphere you desire. Southwest Nebraska has done that and we should be very proud of our efforts.


For you personally, what has been the most valuable part about moving to your community?

The most valuable part of returning to the community has been the support. As a young farmer in a tough ag economy, I’ve had several friends and family rally behind me. They care about our well-being and that means a lot. When you have a community buying into young returners, that’s a pretty special community.


Any surprises?

Even though I knew I wanted to return home, I was also questioning how many of my peers would do the same. To my surprise, there have been several other returners. They have been great assets to our communities with fresh ideas. We have several entrepreneurs that saw a need for something and paved their way to success. This is awesome and shows the support we have for each other!


What would you tell someone who is thinking about returning to Greater Nebraska?

Greater Nebraska has so much more to offer then one may believe. These communities have their own “niche” and unique pieces, but they offer job opportunities, great education, entertainment, and best of all, great people!


What excites you when you think about the future of your community?

The part that excites me is the fact younger faces are returning to our community and taking on leadership roles. These young leaders will continue to build a stronger community for others. These leaders have fresh thoughts and ideas that, in my opinion, will break the myth that rural America as “old and dead.” It’s alive and well!


How would you describe your experience serving on your local affiliated fund?

My experience serving on our local affiliated fund has been great. Being surrounded by these individuals and leaders of our community has been very humbling. To be on the forefront of building a stronger community is awesome! Seeing the change from when I was in high school to where we are now is unbelievable. It’s even more exciting now that I’m actively engaged. The impact we have made 5-10 years just motivates me to do more.

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