At Home in Greater Nebraska – Melani Flynn

What is the best thing about living in your community?
Valley County holds a community-centered focus on leadership, faith, kindness and generosity, innovative resources, and strong work ethic. My husband and I were warmly welcomed back to my hometown, and we are so fortunate to have the opportunity to be involved in community programs such as TeamMates Mentoring, Synovation Leadership Academy, and the Valley County Community Foundation Fund. Valley County is a place where a friendly face is always present and the beauty of nature is always in view.

Did you always plan to return to Greater Nebraska? If not, what changed your mind?
The longer I was away, the more appreciative I was of the town and people that helped shape me during my formative years. As I met others in college and law school, I realized that not everyone grew up with the support of generations of family and friends. I saw returning to my hometown community as an opportunity to use my passions for continual growth and to build strong relationships to impact my community. I was invited back to clerk at Stowell, Geweke & Piskorski, P.C., L.L.O., which allowed me to have meaningful, personal connections with my clients and engagement in challenging work across a broad spectrum of practice areas. This invitation and experience sparked my desire to return to my hometown of Ord.

For you personally, what has been the most valuable part about moving to your community?
One of the most transformational experiences of my life has been participating in the SynoVation Leadership Academy. SVLA taught me every person sees life through their own special lens and we all have the potential and ability to transform our lives while contributing to the greater good of our hometowns and world. I am currently participating in the second level of SVLA, and I appreciate the opportunity for continual personal and professional growth alongside other leaders across Nebraska.

What would you tell someone who is thinking about returning to Greater Nebraska?
Opportunities prevail and possibilities are limitless in Greater Nebraska. Cherish the memories and lessons that you learn on your travels, and then use your experience and talents in your hometown community. If someone invites you to come home, explore that opportunity – you will be amazed at what Greater Nebraska holds for you.

How would you describe your experience serving on your local affiliated fund?
I was honored and excited to serve on the Fund Advisory Committee of the Valley County Community Foundation Fund when I was invited to join in June 2019. I welcome the opportunity to share my time and talents with this organization, as the focus of forging progressive partnerships, leadership growth, entrepreneurship development, youth engagement, arts and cultural experiences, and a strong local philanthropic culture align with my values and passions. All members of our Fund have a dynamic, growth mindset, and we are constantly looking for new projects we can support to enable creativity and sustainability in our community.


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