Hometown Intern – Allie Cosgrove

Name: Allie Cosgrove
Hometown: Bassett
Affiliated Fund: Rock County Community Foundation
School: University of Nebraska-Lincoln

What’s it like to return to your community after being away for a while?
I was quickly reminded of the generous, supportive people that live within my community. I also feel a strong sense of belonging when I am in my community and am able to support my community and the people in it.

What are some of your hometown’s greatest assets?
One of my hometown’s greatest assets is the Sandhills Ranch Expo that takes place every June. This is my hometown’s largest event and brings many people into our community, supporting local businesses. This event also provides a time for families to come out and enjoy the event and entertainment provided during the expo. Overall, it encourages the community to come together and enjoy each other’s company as well as support their community. Another asset is the community center that is being built right now. This project is beyond exciting because it will allow for the community to host educational, recreational, and family events and activities.

What about the NCF Internship experience stands out to you so far? Why?
The creativity component of the NCF Internship stands out to me because interns can take on their own ideas of how to best strengthen their community and run with them. The support of the NCF internship also stands out to me because NCF prioritizes having a support system throughout the summer through zoom meetings, email check ins, and two retreats where we get to know our team members as well as encourage and support them.

Everyone has gifts and talents to share. What do you hope to share with your hometown this summer?
I hope to contribute to my community’s growth and foster a sense of togetherness with my service and leadership. Using my promotion skills, I will highlight my communities’ assets and work to fundraise for our community center project. I would love to use my educational skills and love for the youth to get the youth involved in events within the community.

What should older adults know about your generation of Nebraskans?
I believe older adults should know that this generation of Nebraskans is very creative and entrepreneurial. Creativity is highly valued, and we are motivated by acting on our own ideas and creations. I believe this generation is also very community-minded, we love to work together and be in a supportive setting. Benefiting our community is a priority and we are willing to work hard in effort to support our community.

What makes you feel most attached to your hometown?
The sense of community support, where everyone looks out for one another and helps each other when needed. The local traditions and events that are unique to my hometown create a nostalgic attachment.

What are your hopes and dreams for the future of your community?
I hope my community continues to evolve and provide quality housing, schools, and healthcare for the community. I hope my community continues to progress and think about the future, in efforts to promote the youth to move back to their community.

What are you looking for in a place to call home?
I am looking for a place where the people are welcoming, motivated, and quick to help one another out. A place that has unique assets that brings community members together and is well kept.

If you were designing a future for yourself in Greater Nebraska, what would that look like?
I would love to return to a small community and start and operate my own business within that community. I would also love the opportunity to coach youth sports in a small community as well as be a part of many boards and committees in efforts to support and benefit the community.

What’s a piece of advice you have for older generations of Nebraskans?
I would advise the older generations of Nebraskans to be open to new ideas and embrace change. I would also advise them to engage with the younger generation by supporting, encouraging, and offering advice to them.

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