Over the next 10 years in Nebraska, $100 billion will transfer from one generation to the next. In 50 years, that number exceeds $950 billion. Learn how hometowns like ours can take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity at www.fivetothrivene.org.
Over the next 10 years in Nebraska, $100 billion will transfer from one generation to the next. If heirs no longer live in Nebraska, this abundance may leave our hometown forever. Learn what it means to leave “5 to Thrive” at www.fivetothrivene.org.
In the coming decades, our state will experience the largest intergenerational transfer of wealth in its history. Some will go to taxes. Most will go to heirs. Due to outmigration, many of those heirs no longer live where the wealth was built and may no longer feel connected to those places. Once wealth leaves our communities, the opportunity for give-back becomes more and more unlikely. Learn more at www.fivetothrivene.org.
Many Nebraska counties are approaching or are already in the midst of their peak transfer of wealth years. In other words, there is real urgency to act now. The opportunity will never be greater. Do you know when our county will experience its peak transfer? Learn more at www.fivetothrivene.org.