What is the best thing about living in your community?
It is a place where community spirit and civic-mindedness is alive and well. Ord has an incredible group of servant leaders that believe in rural self-determination, and have put forward time, talent and treasure to improve the present and future of our community.
What was the most important factor in your decision to move to your community?
1.) Job opportunities for both my wife (Christina) and I
2.) Quality schools
3.) Quality access to outdoor recreational experiences
Did you always plan to return to Greater Nebraska? If not, what changed your mind?
No, originally my wife and I planned to travel the world and work in developing countries for aid organizations or NGOs. Our firstborn son, Calen, was a bit of a surprise and changed that trajectory for us. After three years raising our family in Lincoln (and me commuting to Omaha), we wanted to move to a small town to raise our family for a variety of reasons.
For you personally, what has been the most valuable part about moving to your community?
It’s been a place where I’ve been able to chase my dreams professionally, start two successful companies, not sacrifice quality of time with my family and pursue my personal interests. In addition to that, it’s given me a place to call home. That’s an experience I’ve never really had, moving three times between the ages of 10-18.
What would you tell someone who is thinking about returning to Greater Nebraska?
If you’re looking for a smaller version of the suburbs or the city, Greater Nebraska will disappoint you. If you’re looking for a slower pace of life, where you know your neighbors and can contribute to your community in a meaningful way, along with enjoying the time that living without a commute gives you, you’re in luck.
Mindset is important. We can with open minds, open eyes and open ears. What we found was a place to call home and build a life together. We couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.
What drew you to the NCF network?
My wife and I believe in leaving this world a better place than we found it. Engagement through the NCF network (both my wife and I serve on fund advisory committees) gave us access to a vehicle in which to manage charitable fundraising with talented professionals that live and work in Greater Nebraska. Folks at NCF live and breathe rural Nebraska, and the network gives us inspiration of what’s possible in our community. Both my wife and I have been able to serve our community through the Ord Township Library Foundation (my wife is board chair), the Valley County Health System Foundation (I am board vice chair), the Valley County Community Foundation Fund (I am a former board member, as is my wife) and the local Philanthropic Partners group.