What is the best thing about living in your community?
The PEOPLE. The community of Red Cloud has welcomed us with open arms. They’ve supported the business well, but more importantly, they’ve been great friends.
What was the most important factor in your decision to move to your community?
The “small town” living and quality of life, especially for our children.
What would you tell someone who is thinking about returning to Greater Nebraska?
DO IT! And when you’re there, be part of improving your community.
How would you describe your experience serving on your local affiliated fund?
It’s been good. A big part of our reasoning for returning to my wife’s hometown was to be more involved in the community. Being a part of Red Cloud Community Foundation Fund has been a good way to do that.
What drew you to the NCF network?
The people locally who are a part of our community fund and the projects they have been able to accomplish, with help from NCF.