Hometown Intern – Austin Truex

Name: Austin Truex
Hometown: Norfolk, Nebraska
Affiliated Fund: Norfolk Area Community Foundation Fund
School: University of Nebraska at Kearney

What projects are you working on this summer with your affiliated fund?
This summer I am working on a few different projects with my affiliated fund. These include creating a marketing and social media plan for the fund as well as creating a community of local interns with the intent of exposing them to the value of the area.

Why did you want to take this opportunity to participate in this internship?
My decision to participate in this hometown internship experience was an easy one. I appreciate my hometown, and I was grateful for the opportunity to participate and engage in community action. The contributions I have been able to make to the community effort to retain our young professionals have been very fulfilling.

How would you describe the experience so far?
The experience so far has been nothing short of exceptional. The opportunity to participate and sit in on various meetings and discussions has enabled me to contribute to the cause more meaningfully. Beyond that, learning more about my hometown has led me to appreciate the values of a smaller community even more than before.

What do you appreciate most about your community?
I believe that the thing I appreciate most about my community is the extensive number of leaders we have in northeastern Nebraska. While not every leader has the title to go with the actions, the community has strong roots and excellent contributors for area initiatives.

What excites you the most when you think about the future of your community?
The thing that excites me the most when I think about the future of my community is the work being done in our downtown district and along the riverfront. The rapid growth and development that is occurring in that prominent area of Norfolk is encouraging!

What are you looking for in a place to call home?
A place to call home is a place with a strong community of people. An individual can move anywhere, but the place where their friends and family live will always be the place they call home. People in Nebraska are very friendly and trusting, and their communities reflect that. Neighbors help neighbors in times of need, and those friendships are what is most important in a hometown. Those connections and support are very valuable.

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