Hometown Intern – Kelli Schoch

Name: Kelli Schoch
Hometown: Columbus, Nebraska
Affiliated Fund: Columbus Area Future Fund
School: Chadron State College

What projects are you working on this summer with your affiliated fund?
I am working on Big Red Night and the Richard Dick Kamm Memorial Golf Tournament. Both events raise money for scholarships and educational advancements. Big Red Night consists of a meal, live and silent auction, and a talk from Scott Frost. For this event, I help organize all the money and auction items that are being donated. For the golf tournament, I keep the teams and hole donations organized and updated.

Why did you want to take this opportunity to participate in this internship?
This opportunity gave me the chance to give back to an organization that helped me so much in pursing my future goals and going to college. Working with the fund also allowed me to give back to my community and the people who have given so much to me while helping students just a few years younger than me.

How would you describe the experience so far?
The experience of working with the fund has allowed me to meet many people, learn more about what happens behind the scenes of an event, and give back to my community. I have enjoyed this experience and I am excited to see the outcome of all the hard work put in.

What do you appreciate most about your community?
There are many assets in my community, but the thing I appreciate most is how many people step up to complete a project and take leadership positions. Many events take a lot of people to successfully complete. My community has many people who are willing to step up and show leadership, and I appreciate that!

What excites you the most when you think about the future of your community?
I am excited for our community to continue to develop and expand and to see the things we can accomplish together. I am excited to continue to be a part of this community as people accomplish many things and make Columbus an even better place to live.

What are you looking for in a place to call home?
I want a community that works together to accomplish its goals. I also want a community that comes together in times of need and supports one another. I want a place that is family friendly and gives families the ability to grow. I want the people in the place I call home to build each other up in the good and bad times no matter the situation.

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