Name: Emily Eilers
Hometown: Wayne
Affiliated Fund: Wayne Area Legacy Fund
School: University of Nebraska-Lincoln
What projects are you working on this summer with your affiliated fund?
My main projects are implementing a social media plan and coordinating the Wayne Area Legacy Fund Thrives in 5 Anniversary Celebration. I have also worked on various marketing and advertising projects such as producing a video for the fund’s website and gathering articles and photographs for the fund to use.
Why did you want to take this opportunity to participate in this internship?
I was not actively searching for an internship for this summer, but when I had a professor tell me about this opportunity, I had to jump on it. I enjoy being active in my community, and I saw this as the perfect opportunity to make a positive impact on my community while developing skills that I will use in my future career.
How would you describe the experience so far?
This has been an overall good experience. This year, all the interns have been learning about Clifton Strengths. One of my top five strengths is significance. I like to know that what I am doing is worthwhile and will make a positive impact. I can find value in and see the real, positive results of each project I have worked on in the community. This brings me comfort in knowing that I did something important this summer.
What do you appreciate most about your community?
I appreciate that Wayne is a small town, yet there are tons of things to do and events that bring the community together such as Chicken Days, Cruise Nights, the County Fair, and more. Wayne has several neat businesses where people can “shop local” or do something fun. Wayne continues to grow and is a great place for living, working, and recreation. Wayne is also located near several larger communities for an occasional change of pace.
What excites you the most when you think about the future of your community?
I am excited to watch my community continue to grow whether that be through physical expansion or economically with new businesses and events coming to the community. There are a lot of great leaders in Wayne who see ways to improve the community and step up to accomplish that.
What are you looking for in a place to call home?
I am looking for a friendly community where I feel safe. I am outdoorsy, and I connect with agriculture, so home will probably be in a farming community with lots of places for outdoor recreation. I also like being able to “shop local” for most of my wants and needs. Wayne meets a lot of my criteria, and I am seriously considering spending the rest of my life in Wayne, God willing.