Hometown Intern – Takaylynn Hergott

Name: Takaylynn Hergott
Hometown: Hebron
Affiliated Fund: Hebron Community Foundation
School: Southeast Community College

What are you looking forward to most as a Youth Engagement Intern?
Working closely with the other interns and helping everyone’s dreams come true. We all have the same dream, we simply must put them to action.

What did you learn about yourself and your community during previous internships?
I learned every community wants to see itself thrive and the older generations love seeing that we, the youth, want to make a difference in our community. I learned that I love hearing people’s dreams and ideas and finding a way to mash them all together to make everyone happy. I also learned about myself that Hebron is my forever home.

How will your past experience help you in this new role?
I will make sure all the interns know they can contact me at any time if there is a problem and that they are capable of anything.

Everyone has gifts and talents to share. What do you hope to share with other interns this summer?
I would like to share my gift of helping them take action. I love seeing things come together and helping people see that light at the end of the tunnel.

What should older adults know about your generation of Nebraskans?
We want to help out, but also hear what they have to say because they are full of wisdom.

What makes you feel most attached to your hometown?
All my family and friends are here and it is easy to get involved. When I lived in Lincoln, I didn’t know very many people but here in Hebron and Thayer County I know almost everyone because of the connections with people over the years.

What are your hopes and dreams for the future of your community?
My dream is to have more community events where everyone can come together. With that being said, I hope someday I can build a venue in Thayer County where people could not only get together and celebrate, but also have a place to stay.

What are you looking for in a place to call home?
I want to feel safe and welcomed. A place where I know everyone who lives on my block. Most importantly, I want a place where everyone feels and treats each other like family.

If you were designing a future for yourself in Greater Nebraska, what would that look like?
If I got to plan my future in Greater Nebraska it would be creating a place where people can gather and enjoy each other’s company. I would also like to be involved with clubs and organizations so someday, when it is my time to step down, I could welcome in a younger person to take it over.

What’s a piece of advice you have for older generations of Nebraskans?
Thank you for showing your appreciation for Greater Nebraska because it helped me realize the impact a small town can have on a person and you caring for and about your town is one of the only reasons it is still here.

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