Name: Samuel Otte
Hometown: Exeter, Nebraska
Affiliated Fund: Exeter Community Fund
School: University of Nebraska-Lincoln
What do you love about your community? What are some of its greatest assets?
I love the tight-knit community. I like being able to walk into every business and know everyone. Its greatest asset is the people that live and work in Exeter.
What made you want to pursue an NCF Hometown Internship?
I love building communities and building resilient places. I want to pursue a career that builds places for people to live, work, and grow for myself and generations after me.
What projects are you working on this summer?
We are Working on the Exeter Community Beer Garden, Exeter Days, and Child and Family programming before school.
What do you hope to learn or experience?
I am looking to gain experience working in community development. I am passionate about making great places and helping the community see how amazing their place can be.
How would you describe the opportunity so far?
I have gotten to learn from local leaders about their triumphs and struggles. I have gotten to present ideas to a board and consult them on different projects. Overall, I have felt welcomed and needed in my internship.
What are your hopes and dreams for the future of your hometown?
I would love to see more people get involved. There are plenty of committees and groups that need volunteers and people to serve. Exeter is a great place, but more people need to get involved to make it the best it can possibly be.
What are you looking for in a place to call home?
I am looking for a walkable rural town that my family can call home. I want it to have all the necessities within walking distance and I want it to be a place that we can build for people’s needs.
Could you see yourself living in Greater Nebraska in the future?
I can see myself living in Greater Nebraska. I love the relaxed culture and the can-do attitude. It makes everything easier when you have that kind of positivity in our culture.