Nebraska Flood Recovery Fund to Help Rebuild Greater Nebraska

In response to catastrophic flooding across Greater Nebraska, the Ethel S. Abbott Charitable Foundation and Nebraska Community Foundation have established the Nebraska Flood Recovery Fund with the purpose of assisting Nebraskans, especially low-income Nebraskans impacted by flooding in 2019, to recover and rebuild their lives.

To capitalize the fund, the Abbott Foundation is providing a challenge grant opportunity for donors matching the first $500,000 one-to-one for a possible campaign total of $1,000,000 to benefit Nebraskans with priority given to those with a desire to remain in their Greater Nebraska communities.

“Were she alive to see the flood’s effects on her beloved home state, we know Mrs. Abbott would have answered the call to help her fellow Nebraskans rebuild. It is our privilege to honor her legacy in a way that is making such an immediate and meaningful impact,” said Doug Lienemann, President of the Ethel S. Abbott Charitable Foundation.

The floods of March 2019 are having profound impacts on many Greater Nebraska hometowns including damage to homes, small business, farms and ranches, and governmental services including schools, healthcare and basic infrastructure. It has been estimated that a community continues to feel the repercussions of a catastrophic flood up to nine years following the event.

Dollars donated to the Nebraska Flood Recovery Fund will be granted to local and regional charitable organizations, such as 501(c)(3) non-profits and local political subdivisions to assist flood victims with recovery. Eligible uses may include housing, transportation, health and wellness (including mental health) or other forms of individual or community distress. A Fund Advisory Committee is currently being assembled to oversee granting decisions.

“The Nebraska Flood Recovery Fund will focus on rebuilding efforts beyond what relief organizations like the Red Cross and Salvation Army are designed to do,” said Jeff Yost, president and CEO of Nebraska Community Foundation. “NCF is a community development organization, not a relief organization. The Fund Advisory Committee has committed itself to making grants that are high impact and supportive of projects and programs that are sustainable long term.”

Donations may be made to the Nebraska Flood Recovery Fund online at or by calling (402) 323-7330. All contributions will be matched by the Abbott Foundation up to $500,000.

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