VIRTUAL LEARNING SERIES: Taking 5 to Thrive local

This three-part virtual learning series has been designed to help your community better utilize NCF’s latest Transfer of Wealth Study, mobilize a localized “5 to Thrive” campaign, and most importantly, harness some of this unprecedented abundance in your hometown!

What is the transfer of wealth? What does it mean for Nebraska hometowns, and why should I care? You’ll find answers to these questions and many more in our first session. We’ll learn about the 2021 Transfer of Wealth Study findings, how the data were determined, and what it means to “Leave 5 to Thrive.” You’ll also hear numerous community success stories about places that are harnessing this unprecedented opportunity right now!


Planned giving is one of the easiest and most effective ways of ensuring a portion of the transfer of wealth remains in the communities where it was made and accumulated. You’ll learn some planned giving basics and get access to a multitude of resources and tools to move your planned giving efforts forward. You’ll also hear from our resident planned giving expert (Jim Gustafson), as well as real professional advisors on how they talk to their clients about charitable planned giving.


Our three-part series concludes with a lesson on marketing and communications! The transfer of wealth isn’t an easy concept…nor is it the most exciting. This session will cover some of NCF’s lessons learned after completing and releasing three studies over the past three decades. We’ll talk about and some simple ways to localize 5 to Thrive campaign messaging and the most important elements of effective donor storytelling. We’ll also do a deep dive into the Transfer of Wealth Toolkit which includes all kinds of easy-to-use materials you can start using right away.

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