Looking back on Nebraska Community Foundation’s 2022 achievements

The NCF network is built on connections—to knowledge, to resources, to our fellow ambitious Nebraskans, and to the communities we love and invest in.

One of our favorite sayings regarding the community-building work we do is, “Change happens along the lines of relationships at the speed of trust.” Each year that becomes more apparent as dreams get bolder, endowments grow, and more and more people choose to build their futures in Greater Nebraska.

Of course, capital is often a key element to progress. In fiscal year 2022 (July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022), grants and disbursements from the NCF network were nearly $40 million. These are serious community-building resources, and they are making a transformative impact on prosperity and quality-of-life in our hometowns and state. Here are some examples: early childhood education in Albion, a new community center in Laurel, a “Welcoming and Belonging Community Grant Challenge” in Columbus, local foods in Hebron schools, housing development in Ogallala and Eustis, library services in Nebraska City, opera house renovations in Friend, an inclusive playground in Sidney, STEM education in Norfolk, leadership development in Valley County, expanded learning opportunities in Syracuse, nursing scholarships in Burwell, heritage tourism development in Red Cloud, pediatric dental health care in Bassett and Scottsbluff, small business and entrepreneurship development in Holt County, and scholarships for Native American students throughout the state.

This list is just a small sample of the tremendous community-building work happening throughout the NCF network. Since 1994, the NCF network has reinvested $463 million in our Nebraska hometowns, $172 million in just the past five years. But the reality is, it’s just the tip of the iceberg. The latest Transfer of Wealth Study has demonstrated that $100 billion will transfer from one generation to the next in just 10 years. In 50 years, that number exceeds $950 billion.

That’s just the beginning. Here are some other highlights from 2022:

Community Success

Boone County celebrated early childhood education accomplishments

Walthill celebrated the opening of a new skate park

Sidney opened a new inclusive playground

E3 program energized entrepreneurs

Holt County leaders built synergy

NCF news

NCF welcomed new board members from Bertrand and O’Neill

Six talented professionals joined our staff this year: Kara Asmus, Kevin Warneke, Kacie Wise, Todd Mekelburg, Anders Olson, and Kimberly Peschka Bilder.

Our Annual Celebration celebrated network connections

NCF in the headlines

NCF featured in book about the power of networks

John Deere publication celebrated NCF

NCF featured in Nebraska Life magazine

Dundy County brothers’ gift featured in Successful Farming

Youth engagement

Youth Surveys continued to give glimpse into future needs

Hometown Interns completed another great year in Greater Nebraska

NCF connected young Nebraskans to health care careers




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